Change PostgreSQL database encoding
First login to the PostgreSQL shell.
(env)jitsejan@jjsvps:/opt/canadalando_env/canadalando_django$ sudo -u postgres psql
Check the list of databases.
postgres=# \l
Here I could see my database had the wrong encoding, instead of SQL_ASCII I want UTF8. I dropped the database so I can re-create it with the right encoding. Note that I did NOT make a back-up, since my database was still empty.
postgres=# DROP DATABASE website_db;
In order to use UTF8 the template for the databases needs to be updated first.
Disable the template1.
postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = FALSE WHERE datname ='template1';
Drop the database.
postgres=# DROP DATABASE template1;
Now re-create it with the right encoding.
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UNICODE';
Activate the template.
postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template1';
Now we can re-create the database that we dropped earlier.