Integrating PySpark with Redshift

In my article on how to connect to S3 from PySpark I showed how to setup Spark with the right libraries to be able to connect to read and right from AWS S3. In the following article I show a quick example how I connect to Redshift and use the S3 setup to write the table to file.

First of all I need the Postgres driver for Spark in order to make connecting to Redshift possible.

$ wget -P /opt/notebooks/

I have saved my configuration in the following variable for testing purposes. Of course it would be wise to store the details in environment variables or in a proper configuration file.

config = {
    'aws_access_key': 'aaaaaa',
    'aws_secret_key': 'bbbbb',
    'aws_region': 'eu-west-2',
    'aws_bucket': 'my-bucket',
    'redshift_user': 'user',
    'redshift_pass': 'pass',
    'redshift_port': 1234,
    'redshift_db': 'mydatabase',
    'redshift_host': 'myhost',

Setting up the Spark context is straightforward. Make sure the Postgres library is available by adding it to extraClassPath, or copy it to the jars folder in the Spark installation location (SPARK_HOME).

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf, SQLContext

jars = [

conf = (
    .setAppName("S3 with Redshift")
    .set("spark.driver.extraClassPath", ":".join(jars))
    .set("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key", config.get('aws_access_key'))
    .set("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key", config.get('aws_secret_key'))
    .set("", True)
    .set("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem")
    .set("", True)
    .set("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint", f"s3-{config.get('region')}")
    .set("spark.executor.extraJavaOptions", "")
    .set("spark.driver.extraJavaOptions", "")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf).getOrCreate()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

Now the Spark context is set I specify the schema and the table that I want to read from Redshift and write to S3.

schema = 'custom'
table = 'postcodes'

The reading is done using the jdbc format and specifying the Redshift details:

df = \
               .format("jdbc") \
               .option("url", f"jdbc:postgresql://{config.get('redshift_host')}{config.get('redshift_port')}/{config.get('redshift_db')}") \
               .option("dbtable", f"{schema}.{table}") \
               .option("user", config.get('redshift_user')) \
               .option("password", config.get('redshift_pass')) \

Writing is easy since I specified the S3 details in the Spark configuration.
