Integrating PySpark with SQL server using JDBC
First of all I need the JDBC driver for Spark in order to make the connection to a Microsoft SQL server.
$ wget -P /opt/notebooks/
The configuration is saved in config.ini
with the following fields:
database = mydb
host =
username = readonly
password = mypassword
port = 1433
Loading the configuration is simple with configparser
from configparser import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()'config.ini')
Set the values for the connection:
jdbc_url = f"jdbc:sqlserver://{config.get('mydb', 'host')}:{config.get('mydb', 'port')};database={config.get('mydb', 'database')}"
connection_properties = {
"user": config.get('mydb', 'username'),
"password": config.get('mydb', 'password')
When creating the SparkSession make sure the path to the JAR is correctly set:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
jars = [
spark = (SparkSession
.appName("PySpark with SQL server")
.config("spark.driver.extraClassPath", ":".join(jars))
The session is created and we can query the actual database:
schema = 'dbo'
table = 'users'
The reading is done using the jdbc
read option and specifying the connection details:
df = spark \
.read \
An alternative approach is to use the same syntax as for the Redshift article by omitting the connection_properties
and use a more explicit notation.
df = spark
.read \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("url", jdbc_url) \
.option("dbtable", f"{schema}.{table}") \
.option("user", config.get('mydb', 'username')) \
.option("password", config.get('mydb', 'password')) \