Unittesting in a Jupyter notebook
Example - Unittesting¶
In this example I show how to run a unittest within your Jupyter Notebook with two simple classes.
In [1]:
class Castle(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self._boss = 'Bowser'
self._world = 'Grass Land'
def access(self, character):
if character.powerup == 'Super Mushroom':
return True
return False
def get_boss(self):
return self._boss
def get_world(self):
return self._world
Character class¶
By default the powerup of a character is empty.
In [2]:
class Character(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.powerup = ''
def powerup(self, powerup):
self.powerup = powerup
def get_powerup(self):
return self.powerup
Create a test class¶
We will create two characters and test that only the right powerup gives access to the castle.
In [5]:
import unittest
class CharacterTestClass(unittest.TestCase):
""" Defines the tests for the Character class """
def setUp(self):
""" Set the castle for the test cases """
self.castle = Castle('Bowsers Castle')
def test_default_cannot_access(self):
""" Default can not access """
default = Character('Default')
def test_mario_cannot_access(self):
""" Mario cannot access """
mario = Character('Mario')
mario.powerup = 'Starman'
def test_peach_can_access(self):
""" Peach can access """
peach = Character('Peach')
peach.powerup = 'Super Mushroom'
def test_default_castle_boss(self):
""" Verifty the default boss is Bowser """
self.assertEqual(self.castle.get_boss(), "Bowser")
def test_default_castle_world(self):
""" Verify the default world is Grass Land """
self.assertEqual(self.castle.get_world(), "Grass Land")
Run the test suite¶
In [6]:
import sys
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CharacterTestClass)