Setting up a Dapp with Truffle and Metamask
Inspired by the article by Dan Finlay and the video by Tim Coulter, I had my first attempt creating the scaffold for a Truffle application and checking it with Metamask.
Inspired by the article by Dan Finlay and the video by Tim Coulter, I had my first attempt creating the scaffold for a Truffle application and checking it with Metamask.
Similar to the RPC client, I will use the web3 API to make a transaction on my private blockchain. I will probably move to develop in Javascript where web3 is the essential library to use for interacting with the blockchain. This way I can get familiar with its functionality.
In this notebook I will try out the RPC client of Ethereum using Python. See JSON RPC for more information on JSON RPC.
Following the steps from the, I try to set up a private blockchain to perform my first -fake- transaction.
My first step in getting to know the Ether platform is installing it on one of my Linux machines.
I will make a dashboard to give an overview of the refills for the car using MEAN.JS and D3.js.
A simple description how to use R and Python to interact in a Jupyter notebook.
My first experiment using the NLTK library of Python
Inspired by this tutorial I tried to continue investigating Elasticsearch since I would like to use a fast indexing tool for the data I am gathering and the applications I am developing.