Adding aliases to Windows

Since I have been using Linux for a while, switching back to the Windows CLI has some challenges. Luckily you can add aliases to the command prompt with the following procedure.

Install KDiff3 on OSX

Installing the diff/merge tool KDiff3 is easy using the package manager Homebrew extension Cask. The extension makes is possible to install (GUI) applications on the Mac without the dragging and dropping of the DMG-files.

jitsejan@MBP $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
jitsejan@MBP $ brew tap caskroom/cask
jitsejan@MBP $ brew cask install kdiff3

Add CSS to Jupyter notebook

To add some style to the notebook, Jupyter has the option to add a custom css file. This file should be located in ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css. If this file does not exist yet, create the directory if needed and add the stylesheet. Add the following code and refresh the notebook to see if it works.

body {
  background-color: purple;

To make it easier to modify this file, create a link from the stylesheet to the working directory for the notebooks in order to be able to modify the stylesheet in the browser.

jitsejan@jjsvps:~/code/notebooks$ ln -s ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css .